For many, the cost and planning of putting together two (or more) costumes is too much effort. I think it is fair to say that most students spend more time planning their Halloween costumes than their actual university assignments. So, the idea of curling up with your friends on the sofa, as the figure of Ghostface haunts your TV screen, seems like an ideal for some.
You can’t pretend that you haven’t wasted hours on Pinterest looking for the perfect outfit
However, whilst many find comfort in the light of their tv screen, I think it’s fair to say that the majority of university students revel in the idea of dressing up and going out. The excessive planning of group costumes, along with the thorough investigations for the best Halloween events, begin to take over our lives. You can’t pretend that you haven’t wasted hours on Pinterest looking for the perfect outfit … I know you have. We all have. Once your outfit has been flawlessly assembled, the infectious vibrations of music and laughter draw you into the chaotic city streets, igniting a ferocious excitement in everybody.
Everyone responds differently to the spooky season. Whether it evokes a cosy sentiment or a desire to drink the night away, it is a season of celebration. There is no right or wrong way to spend Halloween … but I’m sure I will find myself amid Digital’s hottest crowd!