Wave goodbye to the likes of Ebay and Gumtree, and welcome to Depop. The app that has successfully revamped the idea of thrift shop buying. Second hand clothing has never been so popular. Depop is the perfect tool for students striving for style on a budget, with the target market aimed at a younger audience with 90% of users aged under 26. From the latest gizmo gadgets to high end designer goods, there is something for everyone.
The app is perfect for people – like me - that would never be seen dead wearing the same outfit twice on a night out, let alone have it feature more than once on Instagram. Depop allows users to establish their style at an affordable price and then re-list these items for its next owner – from one man’s trash to another man’s treasure.
The simplicity of the app could be a reason for its popularity with users able to create, snap and upload unwanted goods in a matter of minutes. The use of hashtags and categories inevitably means that your dream purchase is never far from a click away. Gone are the days of sifting through second hand stores and borrowing your mates staple pieces. Depop has reinvented the world of modern resale, shaking up the fashion industry by enabling users to re-invent their wardrobe in a more affordable and sustainable manner.
Depop allows users to develop their entrepreneur skills
Aside from the banging bargains, Depop allows users to develop their entrepreneur skills, with many choosing to make a career out of flogging fleeced sweatshirts and classic timeless trainers. If Uni isn’t working for you then Depop may be the next best idea with several teenagers earning up to five figure salaries through buying and re-selling items at a higher rate. Rather than leaving old clothes to pile on that unused chair, free up the clutter for cash. Through this you are not only making money, but also reducing fast fashion.
So whether you’re interested in buying second hand goods or starting a business of your own, how can you make your pop up shop stand out? Your profile page, also known as your storefront is where you showcase your goods. Therefore it needs to have the wow factor. From clear photos to having a distinctive style, these are just a few of the ways to attract potential buyers to your page. The most successful accounts are those that specify for a particular audience, such as vintage or boutique stores. Furthermore, be sure to upload several photos of your item.
Customer service is key
Alongside this, customer service is key. The messaging section allows sellers and buyers to interact in an informal manner, similar to that of Instagram so that customers are able to build a rapport with your account. This leads to brand loyalty, meaning that customers will frequently return to your page. The payment method is simple as all transactions are completed through PayPal with Depop taking 10% of the total amount including shipping costs.
Whilst you may believe your old wardrobe may be the next best thing to sliced bread, don’t be disheartened if your clothes aren’t flying off the shelves. Building up a following takes effort and dedication. Although the app generates several timewasters, this is outweighed by the number of genuine customers interested in your products.
With Spring round the corner, maybe it’s time to declutter your wardrobe, and pass those much loved leopard print flares onto someone new.