Steal the style: what to wear in isolation

Monika Song talks fashion in self isolation and why it doesn't always have to include pyjamas.

Monika Song
18th April 2020
Unsplash by @Vapricot
As many of us are studying and working from home now, the least we should be worried about is probably our wardrobe. Perhaps one of the few positive things is that we no longer have to adhere to any unspoken dress codes. We can now finally bid farewell to our uncomfortably heavy Dr Martens or tight denim jeans.

But for some, wearing the right clothes might add a layer of comfort during these uncertain times. Working and studying from home opens up new possibilities for us to wear whatever we want to wear - either embracing extraordinary styles we would normally not dare to wear or making ourselves comfortable in cosy jumpers and pyjama pants.

For me personally, appropriate clothes help me set myself into the right mindset. Otherwise, I find it rather difficult to set apart my leisure time from work and study mode. When I am working, I will usually go for a more muted look with office shirts and casual trousers or leggings. This makes me feel some level of professionalism while also enjoying the comfort of my home. I can also shamelessly attend Zoom conferences.

If nothing, 2020 has shown us that comfortable clothing can be fashionable with an array of celebrities and influencers giving us a taste of their quarantine examples:

Even more so than ever, we should look after ourselves and treat ourselves with some self-care once in a while. Whether that means dressing up or down, the importance lies in doing something for ourselves only.

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