For only $5 a month you can view fine art including the famous Venus of Willendorf (a nude female figure dating as far back as 25,000 BCE). The creation of the OnlyFans accounts began when Viennese art museums constantly broke guidelines from famous platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Twitter. Helena Hartlauer, a spokesperson for the organisation commented in her interview with vice that ‘there are no clear guidelines on these platforms […] in regard to what nudity is offensive and what nudity is not’.
But honestly, how far do we have to push the fine art industry of past and present for it to be accepted on all platforms. OnlyFans, a concept that has already been given a bad name by society, lends itself to another form of artistry for any amount of money the creator wishes to put forward. Pushed aside from other platforms deemed appropriate, fine art is now pushed the same way. Ranging from contemporary to ancient art, modern-day guidelines are stripping the beauty from fine art by deeming certain explorations of nudity as offensive.
Without the practice of fine art being allowed on this form of media, we hinder the new generation from exploring the art of all eras.
Currently, art is no longer fully conceptualised further than the given boxes they must tick, whether that be through fine art or from the content created of OnlyFans. Having an art museum resort to OnlyFans with a paid subscription to showcase their exhibition pieces is unprecedented even for the modern-day. A world that you would expect to have more acceptance favours the covered and reserved over explorations of fine art dating back to historical eras that should be uncovered and encouraged.
Without the social platforms available to millions, the ability to advertise drops to levels that could be threatening to the already struggling art community and its museums. It’s through technology that we’re at an advantage to reach more people and more ages across the world. Without the practice of fine art being allowed on this form of media, we hinder the new generation from exploring the art of all eras.