The sports included range from national icons of NASCAR and MLB baseball to European Soccer and PGA Golf. The full results can be viewed below.
NASCAR: 27% in favour of Trump
PGA tour golf: 9% in favour of Trump
NHL hockey: 2% in favour of Trump
NFL or College Football: 1% in favour of Trump
MLB baseball: 4% in favour of Biden
MLS or European soccer: 11% in favour of Biden
NBA or College Basketball: 17% in favour of Biden
There are a few things we can take away from these results. For starters, it seems that NFL or College Football fans had the most balanced voting patterns, leaning in Trump's favour by a minuscule 1%.
The sport most likely to want a Democratic president would be NBA or College Basketball, with a 17% lead in Biden’s favour. On the other hand, the sport with the biggest Trump-based support would have to be NASCAR, with a dominant 27% pull in Trump’s direction.
Full statistics, as well as an in-depth analysis, is available here.