Survey reveals presidential voting patterns based on what US sport you watch

An intriguing study reveals how certain sports fans would vote in the US election.

Tom Moorcroft
25th November 2020
Image: The Courier
In an interesting study released by Business Insider, a series of polls collected via SurveyMonkey could predict how fans of specific sports were most likely to vote.

The sports included range from national icons of NASCAR and MLB baseball to European Soccer and PGA Golf. The full results can be viewed below.

NASCAR: 27% in favour of Trump
PGA tour golf: 9% in favour of Trump
NHL hockey: 2% in favour of Trump
NFL or College Football: 1% in favour of Trump
MLB baseball: 4% in favour of Biden
MLS or European soccer: 11% in favour of Biden
NBA or College Basketball: 17% in favour of Biden

There are a few things we can take away from these results. For starters, it seems that NFL or College Football fans had the most balanced voting patterns, leaning in Trump's favour by a minuscule 1%.

The sport most likely to want a Democratic president would be NBA or College Basketball, with a 17% lead in Biden’s favour. On the other hand, the sport with the biggest Trump-based support would have to be NASCAR, with a dominant 27% pull in Trump’s direction.

Full statistics, as well as an in-depth analysis, is available here.

Featured Image: Twitter @CNNbrk
AUTHOR: Tom Moorcroft
Head of Sport for The Courier. Current 3rd year English Literature and History student. Love writing about sports/music, playing the guitar and Everton FC!

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