If we want to put the responsibility onto the person then there are many obvious things we could be doing such as making sure we correctly recycle (wash out your tins first) and limit using single-use plastic (get a lunch box or reusable takeout coffee mug).
However many people believe that if celebrities are able to take multiple private planes a year, racking up a much higher carbon footprint than would be possible for the average person, then us doing our part won’t make any difference. In that case, we ask what can the university do to help?
Surely if such a large community can make small changes then it will make a big difference. Looking at the topic of waste and recycling it is interesting to see how many items go to waste during society's socials. The amount of single-use or destroyed items that come out of a Wednesday night social must be immense.
And yet the University still endorses this. It makes you wonder why there isn’t a scheme of some sort to make sure these gag items are reused between societies and through the years. This could lead to some pieces becoming almost like historical relics.