Is the post break-up glow-up culture healthy or toxic? ...
Ozempic has taken Hollywood by storm, creating *yet another* trend for women's bodies....
Is it worth aiming for the un-reachable beauty standards of today if youth and beauty will eventually fade?...
Are TikTok trends such as the 'Clean Girl aesthetic' harmful towards the way we perceive ourselves?...
A deep dive into TikTok's new niche aesthetic...
A modern perspective on the fairy tales we know and love, and their crucial impact on younger generations...
After speculation of the Kardashians allegedly reversing their BBLs, questions of what body types will be "in" have begun to arise...
Is an obsession with skincare healthy?...
Samantha Seidu discusses the constantly changing beauty standards surrounding the female body and how it is unsustainable for girls and women to try and conform to each trend....
Tiyanna Mistry takes Poembox this week....
Caitlin Sinclair questions the problematic nature of the world's favourite doll as she reviews the new Barbie x Skinnydip collection. ...
Em Richardson talks about the impact Love Island has on body image and tackling diversity issues....
Virginity: Is it Real?
Left in the Dark: Turning Ghosting into Growth
My September Challenge: ‘Step Forward for Survivor’s’ with Women’s Aid.
My Journey with Herpes: Why It’s Not as Bad as It Seems
My summer of rest and relaxation: feeling guilty about rest and how to tackle it
New term new you: how to reinvent yourself this semester