Scientists theorize the layer may be left over from a magma ocean that once covered Mars....
It has climbed 12 places since last year in recognition of its impact on society & leadership in sustainable development....
18 months after its launch, Amy Harris discusses the news that the joint Euro-Japan space mission has passed Earth....
In a world now more conscious of environment and health, Meggie Williams considers the benefits of buying organic products...
In the 1950s plastic became one of the most commonly used materials in the world and it still holds that position today. Back then humanity hadn’t realised how damaging the plastic was going to beco...
Lily Holbrook offers some tips to students on how to do their bit for the environment. ...
As of 18 April 2019 Newcastle University joined a number of UK institutions and organisations in declaring a climate emergency. Since then the University has been praised for its commitment to reducin...
Tom Hardwick heads down to the DMA's, here's what went down......