One comes before, the other after, but which of these movie types comes out on top?...
The tale of Hannibal Lecter has inspired another TV show- but this time, Clarice is in the spotlight in the newest CBS series...
George Bell discusses why a great sequel may bomb at the box office...
Gaming editor George Boatfield comes out hard in defence of the sequels with the last in the Skywalker Saga approaching fast...
Ruby Osborne take a look back at some of the best and worst sequals Hollywood has turned out...
Our Golden Oldie this week is The Godfather: Part III. Sports Editor Mark Sleightholm defends the final chapter of the trilogy...
Kaine Laidlaw reviews the latest installment in the Cloverfield series, now available for streaming on Netflix...
With the recent announcement of a sequel to the classic Space Jam, Errol Kerr takes a look at some of the best, worst and weirdest sequels in history...
Franki Raffles and Hannah Perry Exhibition Review
To create or not to create: A guide on creativity through university
The art of taking good holiday photos
Robert Downey Jr. is returning to Marvel as Doctor Doom. Is this the right move?
The End of an Era: The European Leg of the Eras Tour
Live Review: Lana Del Rey at Rock en Seine