Come on everyone get happy, it's day 7! Today is all about the tracks that put a smile on our faces. The best tunes to cheer us up. 'I Want To Break Free' - Queen Queen, having far too much fun, hoove...
Our writers count down their top ten albums of the year. Here's numbers 10-6....
Our writers discuss the best musical comebacks in history....
Lou Siday reviews Vampire Weekend's stunning new album, which might just be their best yet......
I Love You So F***ing Much by Glass Animals review: do you really, though?
Celebrating new talent: three of the best up-and-coming artists from the North East
Alternative music: a guide to a rocking night out in the Toon
Wunderhorse live at NX review: raw guitar music enthralls Newcastle
A Tribute to Liam Payne
Newcastle Gateshead Music City: A game changer for the North-East music scene