The beauty brands that are allowing our skin to glow, and the planet to grow

Charley Moran explores the positive environmental changes being made in the beauty industry.

Charley Moran
8th November 2020

Its no secret that as the general public become steadily more environmentally conscious, the big name beauty brands are learning to evolve and adapt to the new emerging market of recyclable products.

120 billion units of packaging are produced every year by the beauty industry worldwide, but brands such as Origins, Garnier and The Bodyshop are doing their bit to reduce waste.

Origins have long been known for their environmentally conscious approach to beauty and skincare. According to their current website, they have “planted and pledged 1,307, 847 trees,” as well as planning to up their packaging from 55% recyclability to at least 80% by 2023. Their use of 100% renewable energy in their manufacturing process also no doubt puts them near the top of the table in regards to sustainability. Their site included much more about their plans for the future and what protecting the environment means to them as a company.

Origins use of 100% renewable energy in their manufacturing process no doubt puts them near the top of the table in regards to sustainability

Garnier announced earlier this year their ‘Green Beauty,’ initiative which is a rounded approach to sustainability. One element to this included their switch to paper-based packaging. By making all the packaging either reusable, recyclable or compostable contributes massively to them reaching their target to use ‘zero virgin plastic,’ in packaging by 2025. The global brand president Adrien Koskas identified that although this will take time it is key to take the first steps to create a ‘sustainable future,’ and more importantly to inspire the industry as a whole to help transform the way they do business.

Instagram: @garnieruk

The Body Shop are making a huge mark on their work towards sustainable sources as they plan to buy 600 tonnes of plastic waste by 2021. This ambitious target they have set is alongside working with Plastics For Change. They are helping them to buy plastic because, according to Plastic for Change, nearly half of the planet ( three billion people) ‘live without formal waste management.’ Therefore The Bodyshop are taking on the huge responsibility to reduce this and spread the ethic approach to waste and sustainability across the globe.

instagram: @thebodyshop

These brands being ethically conscious is commendable; however, is it enough that only a small fraction of the beauty industry partake in their approach to sustainably? Are we as the general public doing enough to force brands into understanding the dangerous levels on plastic they are putting into the world?

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