The Best Halloween Film to Watch If You’re a Scaredy Cat

Lauren Clarke tells us why you don't need to watch jump scare filled horror films during spooky season when you have Hocus Pocus

Lauren Clarke
20th October 2021
Image credit: IMDB
Not everyone is a fan of the classic horror movie, but with Halloween rapidly approaching the itch to get into the Halloween spirit with a spooky movie night needs to be scratched. Hocus Pocus can do just that!

Following societies inevitable desensitisation, horror movies have become commonplace as a Halloween celebration. Ranging from nightmarish jump scares to psychological thrillers, horror movies have dug their claws into Halloween’s flesh, with no plan to let go anytime soon. Whilst having the living daylights shocked out of you every ten minutes might be enjoyable for some it is definitely not for all, hence the vast range of Halloween movies designed for the more easily spooked. 

Image credit: IMDB

One such film is Hocus Pocus, a 1993 Halloween comedy. The movie focuses closely on the Sanderson sisters’ reign of terror over the children of Salem in two interlinking timelines. Not only are these sisters a tragic trio of witches, incapable of deciphering the children of the ’90s, the teen protagonists’ attempts to defeat the witches are outrageously comical. (SPOILER ALERT) Prominent deaths do occur within the movie, however, these deaths only contribute towards the inevitable feel-good ending of the film. This, coupled with the cringe-worthy storyline and a surprisingly delightful musical interlude, makes Hocus Pocus the ideal movie for anyone too scared to embrace the fear of horror, so gather your “sisters” and settle down this Halloween to witness some real ‘hocus pocus'.

Video credit: Movieclips Classic Trailers

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