The cost of living strikes again: Escape into the Park Festival cancelled

One of our writer's looks at how the cost of living crisis is cancelling summer festivals...

Amelie Baker
15th April 2024
ImageCredit: WikiMediaCommons
The cost of living crisis has hit a new low.

Escape into the Park, a festival held in the South of Wales which has previously attracted crowds of 20,000 people, has been cancelled - and the reason? You guessed it, the cost of living.

Organisers have stated that due to “increases in supplier and artists costs” it was not viable to hold this year’s event because of “the ongoing cost of living crisis”. They also thanked the south Wales dance community for their ongoing support since the pandemic. 

It is a sore reminder of what the crisis is costing our country.

First the pandemic, now the cost of living crisis - it really seems that the performing arts industry cannot catch a break. And whilst it may not seem that severe an impact -  some festival in Wales getting cancelled - compared to the more dire consequences, it is a sore reminder of what the crisis is costing our country. Not only is it stripping many of their basic right to a warm home with food on the table, it is now taking away our right to dance and music, our freedom of expression, not to mention the livelihoods of the hundreds of people involved in organising and putting on a festival.

If Escape into the Park is an omen of things to come, our future is looking increasingly dire: cold, starved, and festival-less. 

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