Queen, having far too much fun, hoovering whilst wearing frocks. That's it, that's the article. Once you've seen the iconic video, it's impossible not to listen to this song with a smile on your face.
Em Richardson
This song !!!! Sam Fender's best piece of music by far. When I first heard this song on tour it really resonated me and became the song of what was the most perfect night of my life. I listen to this song on repeat all the time. It reminds me of moving to university, walking down Richardson Road, sitting in ubers going to the Dog and Parrot. It is my university song and my song that never fails to make my happy. Sam's voice is so beautifully enhanced here and the lyrics of the song really resonate with my experiences. Masterpiece by Sam Fender, who also makes me very happy.
Hope Lynes
Where a lot of post-punk went in one direction, towards anger and depression, Orange Juice veered hard the opposite way. Jangly, poppy, yet immaculately arranged and with clever lyrics delivered in Edwyn Collin’s delightful baritone, the You Can’t Hide Your Love forever album could feature on a lot of these lists. The band’s clear soul and Motown inspired sound - perhaps being more of a soul band with indie influence - paved the way for bands like The Smiths, and *arguably* did what Morrissey and Marr wanted to a lot better. Wan Light makes me happy because of its chimey guitar arpeggios and brilliant horn section (I firmly support the theory that a horn section can improve any song). It’s a pop song, and a perfectly crafted one. What else is needed?
Tom Leach
With its upbeat tempo and melodramatic lyrics, MIKA’s ‘Grace Kelly’ is undoubtedly the epitome of late naughties pop! I could be anywhere, from taking a shower to being stuck in traffic, when this song starts playing; I instantly regress back to my happy place, sometimes picturing myself in a sort of flamboyant stage musical where I am the star of the show. And as the spotlight beams down on me, I just can’t stop myself from belting out (what I assume to be) the lyrics at such a ridiculous volume, MIKA himself would be proud.
Amelia Thorpe
"The Glory" off Kanye's 2007 album Graduation is hard to listen to without feeling at least slightly uplifted. It's an extremely upbeat and soulful number, characterized by the thick drums on the bassline that Kanye delivers his frankly arrogant vocals over and the sped-up sample of "Save the Country". Kanye's celebrating. Graduation was released probably at the height of his career, when it was clear to everyone, most of all Kanye, that he had defined rap for the 00's. This was right before things went south for West, with his mother's death mere months after the album's release absolutely shattering Kanye. It captures an era of West that is long-gone, but you still can't help being infected by Kanye's happiness on the track.
Muslim Taseer
I just really like this song to be honest and its uplifting guitar and cool lyrics is one song I just can’t skip. About a guy who really likes a girl, it’s got catchy lyrics and some good sounds. You’ll find yourself humming it or singing “’cause I like you/yeah I like you/and I’m feeling so Bohemian like you.” Plus it featured in the cult classic film, Flushed Away, so you can’t not love it.
Rebecca Johnson
As soon as I hear 'Float On', whatever mood I’m in, I can’t help but burst into a massive beaming smile. The riff is absolutely incredible, Isaac Brock’s vocals are brilliant, and it’s just got such an amazingly happy vibe to it. I also love the lyrics, “Don't worry even if things end up a bit too heavy we'll all float on alright” is one of my favourite optimistic lines in music. The optimism of the song is infectious and whatever’s going on as soon as you listen to it you just feel like everything’s going to be fine.
Stanley Gilyead
For a song to make me happy it has to be upbeat, with a nice funky guitar and enthusiastic lyrics. I shuffled the songs on my phone until I came across one which I knew I had to pick. Feeling Lonely by Boy Pablo really has all it takes to turn a bad day good, with a nice punchy rhythm throughout. For a song to make me happy, I need to know that the people performing it are. Their performance of the tune at Primavera Sound 2019 is testament to that, with the band jumping around smiling. In such confusing times, I think we all need to let a little happiness into our lives, and this is the song for me.
Tom Moorcroft
The favourite concert I've ever been to was an Of Monsters and Men concert, and this song just draws me back into that crowd. It makes me feel happy purely because it reminds me of a happy time. But it is more than that, the message I get from this song is telling a tale of an underdog, who ends up winning because they stick with their friends. To me that is such a happy and uplifting thought, how could you feel anything but happy when listening to this song!
Patrick Harland
An iconic song from an iconic film, and performed by a musical pioneer, 'Johnny B. Goode' is unparalleled as a feel good track. Chuck Berry's bluesy sound gives the song an incredible rhythm, and it is only made better by that famous punchy chorus and a classic guitar solo. Of course, it features in Back to the Future, a staple childhood film, and I can't help but imagine Marty McFly's scintillating rendition of this track as I listen along. A captivatingly catchy song from an unforgettable film, if 'Johnny B. Goode' doesn't make you happy, then I'm not sure what music will.
Tom Hardwick
'Walcott', the penultimate song from Vampire Weekend's eponymous debut is one song that you just can't help but sing with a smile on your face. The song is actually a glimpse into what Vampire Weekend was supposed to be- a movie! Frontman Ezra Koenig originally wrote "Vampire Weekend" as a story of vampires in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. 'Walcott' is the story of the main character in the movie who is trying to escape from Cape Cod before the vampires can get him. While the movie never came to fruition, the song it inspired is without a doubt one of my favourites.
Dominic Lee