Firstly, thank you so much for taking the time to do this interview. It’s been a few months since we last saw you on ITV’s Love Island. How have things been since leaving the villa?
Absolutely mental! I didn’t imagine how big the show would be and after coming out it took me by surprise how many people loved it! It’s been weird being recognised in the street but it’s cool. I love meeting new people
This isn’t the first time you’ve been in the spotlight, winning both Miss Newcastle and Miss Great Britain in 2009! Can you tell us a bit about that?
S: Miss Newcastle was the best, I loved winning that because it was such a great night. Tup Tup sponsored me and it felt good to win for them too! Miss GB was a fantastic opportunity, I couldn’t believe that I won that. In all honestly I actually didn’t understand why I won it as I thought there were much prettier girls in the competition & I didn’t stand a chance. Regardless, it was a great experience!!!
So would you say the pageant world is closely linked to the world of fashion?
S: Pageantry is all about looking good I guess, so yes I’d say the two were linked
Everyone would agree in saying that you looked incredible during Love Island! Has health and fitness always been important to you?
S: Exercising is always important to me because I suffer from really bad anxiety and at times have suffered with depression. When I move & keep active it really helps lift me & keeps me feeling productive. I also work out so I can eat what I want, as I love food!
What advice could you give to our readers regarding staying in shape?
S: Try to exercise at least 3 times a week, but I believe in every thing in balance! Work out, but don’t forget to treat yourself.
We know you have your own clothing range on, have you always been interested in fashion?
S: Yes, fashion is important to me, looking & feeling good in what you’re wearing is important. Fashion is powerful, it can define you!
What are your current favourite pieces from the collection?
S: My 3rd lot is going live next week (17th Oct) lots of sexy dresses.... but this time I wanted to introduce a more casual range so have chosen lots of cosy jumpers and velvet track suits. Everything is super affordable too!
S: Day to day I like simplicity. I don’t like to over do things. Unless it’s a special occasion!
What would you say you spend the most amount of money on: clothes, accessories, underwear, or anything else?
S: Food. Definitely food. Did I mention I love food?
Can you name us a couple of places you love to shop?
S: I adore Zara & River Island.
Newcastle is renowned for its nightlife. How do you best like to dress for a boozy night out on the Toon?
S: Sometimes I end up going out in my sneaks, some times I get dolled up. Everyone loves a bandage dress here don’t they?
Being born and raised a Geordie, can you recommend any of the city’s hidden gems?
S: Tokyo has to be one of my favourite bars, I love the upstairs part as half of it is open air. The DJ’s are always on point, spinning house classics on vinyl. It’s just a top atmosphere.
Finally, can you leave us with a few style and fashion tips of your own?
S: Simplicity is something I like to live buy. I don’t like to over do things. I dress for my figure. There are some things that I see on other women that I would love to be able to wear but because I have a larger bust and hips some things don’t always work! Know what works for you.