The Good: Edge of Tomorrow (2014)
Tom Cruise plays a cowardly soldier in the near future fighting an alien race on Normandy Beach.
However, after unexpected circumstances he is doomed to repeat the same day over again. Aged 52, Cruise proved once again that he may be the last of a dying breed of action stars able to pull in audiences and film-making talent by himself. But he’s not alone; Emily Blunt almost steals the show as she plays the steely veteran who teams up with Cruise. Although initially a strange concept and not hugely popular in theatres, this is guaranteed to become an action cult classic.
The Bad: Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Following the spy-thriller original, MI2 switches the franchise to fast-paced action.
However, a poor script in which the ‘villain’ is created by a good person for no reason, as well as Cruise’s massive character change trying to turn him into an American James Bond means that it’s a significant quality dip compared to the other four. But hold on; yes this film is technically bad, but it’s the ridiculous directing of John Woo which actually makes this film so bad it’s hilarious. Unnecessary one-liners, ludicrous stunts and glorious slow-motion means that I kind of have to recommend even this.
The Ugly: Interview With The Vampire (1994)
Back when Cruise was more of an actual actor and not just an action hero, he was once Lestat, a vampire in the 18th century who befriends a young Brad Pitt and an even younger Kirsten Dunst. It follows their relationships with each other, humans and other vampires as they try to stay sane, living for hundreds of years.
This is a very morbid and greatly underrated film in all aspects; for Cruise, Pitt, the vampire genre and just in general. One of the best modern vampire films, this macabre story comes highly recommended.