The Good, The Bad and The Ugly: Tom Hiddleston

Emma Allsopp ranks three Tom Hiddleston films into good, bad and ugly (although he will always be beautiful)

22nd February 2016

The Good: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

film with Tom Hiddleston and Tilda Swinton starring as a stupidly attractive vampire couple, what could possibly be wrong with it? Nothing, that’s what. 

This film is as close to perfect as you can get with Mr Hiddleston playing a moody and suicidal vampire named Adam (yes, Tilda plays Eve; I love you, Jim Jarmusch). The dingy streets of Detroit as well as pretentious intellectual tastes of the characters make this an absorbing filming with you being unable to walk away. The soundtrack is perfection with most songs being composed by Jarmusch’s own band, SQÜRL. This atmospheric and downright sexy film should be on everyone’s watch-list.  Go, watch it now.

The Bad: Thor: The Dark World (2013)

Hiddleston made his name playing Loki in Thor and The Avengers, so when it was announced he was going to reprise his role in Thor: The Dark World I was ecstatic. 

But then I saw the film.  Hiddleston was not bad (in fact he pretty much saved the film) but the film itself was far from great. With more chemistry between Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Loki than Thor and his actual girlfriend, Jane (Natalie Portman), it was clear this was not going to be Marvel’s best work. It felt unfinished and I felt unfulfilled. I still get mad to this day about how great it could’ve been, but alas, here it is, The Bad.

The Ugly: Archipelago (2010)

Joanna Hogg was one of the first directors to give Tom Hiddleston his big break when she cast him in her debut, Unrelated, so it was no surprise when she asked him back for her second, Archipelago.

This is The Ugly not because I don’t like it, I personally love it, but because it splits opinion. Hogg’s distinctive style of social analysis with an extremely naturalistic study of relationships is not for everyone. With lots of lingering landscape shots and tonnes of dialogue scenes which seemingly add nothing to the plot could annoy a lot of viewers.  However, I implore you, please check it out. If you want something a little grittier than this then Unrelated is definitely the way to go and the one that I favour.  Happy watching!

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