The world is full of so many beautiful locations, cultures and foods; and without travel we would be severely limited to the places and people we can experience. Whilst our corner of the world (and in this example I mean England), is full of countryside villages, quaint little towns, and bustling cities, there is a huge wide world of places to explore far beyond the rolling hills of England.
Maybe it’s that so many books, TV shows or movies depict exotic jungles, sandy beaches and blue skies, which makes us want to hop on a plane or a train to explore the world. Or maybe it’s the longing to have a unique story to tell; something that other people may not have done.
Every single travel experience I’ve had has left me with memories to last a lifetime.
But for me, my desire to travel - whether it be abroad or within our borders - comes from two main things. Firstly, the memories! Every single travel experience I’ve had has left me with memories to last a lifetime. These are experiences that I will never forget, and often ones with people I care so deeply about. Secondly, education! There has been so much I’ve learned on each one of my travel adventures. Whether it be a historic fact about the area, or the trip itself has been for educational purposes. I have always taken something away from the travel experience.
My travel experiences have allowed me to grow so significantly as a person. Whether that be my first time on an aeroplane without my parents, or attempting to speak the native language of the country I am in.
I am grateful for our ability to travel, and it’s not something I will ever take for granted!