The National Nightclub Boycotts: Isn’t it time we do something?

Amana Khan discusses the national nightclub boycott and Newcastle's effort to stop spiking.

Amana Khan
27th October 2021
Clubs may be empty this week in response to spiking. Image credit: Pixabay
All over the country, people have reported having been spiked, with people noting that they ‘fell unconscious’ or were ‘throwing up blood’. Now, these increased spikings have encouraged people to take a stand against them and call for action to be taken against this crime.

University students have planned to boycott nightclubs for a week. Commencing on the 25th of October, students are pushing for reform within clubs due to the increased drink-spiking that has been taking place.

This push for a boycott was started by Martha Williams, who created the Girls Night in Edinburgh Instagram to promote staying at home in response to increased spiking. In these cases, more and more people are ending up in hospital. This movement has been replicated throughout the country with more than 30 universities, including Newcastle University, planning to boycott clubs to push for this change. 

The boycotts are happening on a national scale, with Newcastle's on the 28th of October.

As previously stated, the aims of these boycotts are to emphasise the need for action to stop people being spiked and ensure that people are safe in clubs, encouraging a nationwide campaign for reforms. Students of this boycott have called for increased security to help stop people being drugged, especially due to the increased accounts that people are not only being spiked through their drinks, but also through injections.

The lack of attention given to spiking needs to stop

People shouldn’t have to be taught how to not be spiked or the signs of being spiked because it is something that should not occur. However, due to the high rates of spiking this is something that people (especially women and girls) are taught about at a very young age.

The last few weeks have shown that spiking is not stopping and is only getting worse, which has highlighted what has been said for years, which is the better need for reforms within nightclubs and from the government to ensure people feel safe and are safe while they are out.

Statistics on spiking are being shared across social media. Image credit: @girlsnightinedinburgh Instagram

Although, clubs have started to encourage some reform. For example, some are giving out lids to put over cups to avoid being spiked; sadly, this is not enough. More action and attention is needed by the government and nightclubs to ensure that people are not being spiked.

Sadly, simply giving out lids is not going to stop someone from drugging you, especially now due to the accounts of people being spiked through injections.

The lack of attention given to spiking needs to stop, hence why the boycotts are taking place, because we are in an epidemic and the only people who can help and try and fix this problem are the government and nightclubs. 

Newcastle's boycott takes place tomorrow on the 28th October and is supported by NUSU.

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