The industry is changing: will Depop reign supreme?

Madeleine Raine discusses how online secondhand store Depop has transformed her shopping experience for good

Madeleine Raine
17th May 2020
Image Source: @depop on Instagram
With the introduction of lockdown measures by the UK government on the 23rd March, all of our favourite high street shops have closed their doors, sending all of their customers online.

No longer are we able to spend our Saturdays traipsing around clothing stores finding the next hot item for our weekend night out and with an uncertain future ahead of us, more and more have begun to turn to online shopping as a way to pass the time.

In the weeks leading up to lockdown, I made the decision to turn from fast fashion to sustainable and second-hand clothing, meaning charity shops were my new haven. I could not get enough of two-pound baggy t-shirts, or a pair of jeans for less than a fiver, when I had previously been paying four times as much in larger chain stores.

When the consumer market was first forced online, I struggled to find a site that would provide this kind of clothing, with eBay coming up as the only option. Although I have nothing against this company as it is a great way to encourage new and budding sellers to clean out their wardrobes, it was not quite cutting it.

That is when a friend recommended Depop, and within the hour, I had already placed two orders and was eagerly awaiting their arrival.

Depop is the place to be if you want to buy or sell second-hand clothing at a reasonable price. Why pay fifty pounds for a new pair of Converse when you can buy a pair looking just as good for twenty pounds? Not only are you saving money but also helping out local businesses and people like you and I looking to earn a little bit of extra cash during the lockdown. There are so many different styles out there that you can often find yourself surfing for hours, adding tens of items to your basket.

With the current economical state and future concerns for the economy, sites like Depop are certainly the way forward. Depop allows us to help small and local companies, as well as individuals, sell their unwanted clothing in the face of large cooperate companies such as Primark and Topshop. Depop has satisfied my spending cravings whilst keeping my bank balance afloat.

AUTHOR: Madeleine Raine
MA History student with a BA in English Literature and History. Lifestyle writer and avid traveller who has recently branched out to also cover news articles. Twitter @RaineMadeleine

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