Despite obvious trepidation, AI has actually been incredibly useful for society. Knowledge in a structured form is now more accessible than it has ever been before, allowing for easy access to information that might otherwise have been overlooked.
The main concern with AI is the lack of creativity it generates. At this point in time, AI is exactly what it says it is: artificial intelligence. It can only replicate information, rather than generating original ideas of its own. While a human would cater their writing towards a specific audience, AI writes in the same generic, accessible register no matter the subject and often alienates the intended reader.
Furthermore AI only presents one version of their answer, missing out on the admin that most humans put their work through in order to improve. Although it can complete simple, fact-based tasks efficiently it struggles with concepts that humans would have no problem finding solutions for and therefore cannot create anything substantial within a workplace or advanced educational setting.
The other obvious danger about AI is the lack of opportunity it creates for humans. Although AI tends to make more mundane jobs easier, this can- and has already started to increase unemployment rates for office jobs. AI software is cheaper than workers. In prioritizing work finance, there are fears of companies gradually phasing out disposable jobs and occupations by the end of the decade.
Society may be developing a dependence on artificial intelligence and can could be detrimental to the opportunities, ambition and fulfillment of the average person if their efforts to succeed or advance are impeded by the artificial intelligence that is able to render them redundant and disposable.