The Sarcastic Shopper: faux fur faves

Beth Evans finds us four fabulous fur coats fit for the winter weather (and her approval)

30th November 2015

Coat 1

Shop: Primark

Price: £30

This was the first coat I found when I was walking round the shops. It is a lovely shade of dark green and it felt pretty soft when I gave it a stroke. If you want to look all nice and cuddly then this sure is the coat for you. I would wear this coat with sunglasses and not smile like I am doing in the picture because then when you are walking through the park people will think you are mysterious and stylish like a person from a film or somebody French. My worst problem with this coat though is that it doesn’t have any pockets at all, so you may have to wear it with something that does have pockets to put your stuff in or perhaps even take a bag.

Coat 3

Shop: Topshop

Price: £89

This was the bulkiest of the coats I tried on and it was also the one that cost the most money. It has the grooviest pattern ever - it makes you look like you have skinned an animal without actually having to hurt one which is both good for the world and my conscience.  I would wear this coat for a trip to the zoo so all the cute baby leopards would think I am their mother and follow me around like the pied piper. I would say get this coat only if you feel you are sure that you are really ready to make a faux fur commitment as it’s quite a bit pricier than the rest.

Coat 2

Shop: New Look

Price: £54.99

If you are a fan of the colour black then this, my friend, is the fur coat for you. It is quite long so makes my legs look short but it is very warm and has a faux leather belt to tie around so it’s like you are wearing an outdoor dressing gown. This is a night time coat so I would wear it maybe to see a serious play at a theatre or if I was going to meet a friend for a White Russian.  A black faux fur coat is very great because black is a colour that goes with mostly anything and everybody always looks good in black. I would say this coat has a crow vibe so if you like crows and other black things that are fluffy then you should get this one.

Coat 4

Shop: Dorothy Perkins

Price: £42

This was the last coat I tried on because I was getting a bit tired of putting on so many coats. It made me feel pretty like a snowflake. I would wear this  when it’s sunny because it’s not very thick.

It is, however, very white, so I predict that it would be quite easy to get messy. One time I was in Mcdonalds with my friend who had a white coat on and she was drunk and smeared ketchup on the edge of it and then a boy we know pointed at the stain and said “haha is that menstruation on your coat?” and then no one laughed and it was really awkward for everybody involved. So yeah, don’t do that.

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