The search continues for Durham hiker Esther Dingley

Experienced British hiker Esther Dingley, age 37, was last seen on November 22nd by Pic de Sauvegarde and has since been reported missing in the Pyrenees.  Her partner Dan Colegate last heard from her through a smiling WhatsApp selfie. Since 2014 the pair have been travelling throughout Europe together, but this time Ms Dingley went […]

Sophie McNally
9th December 2020
Experienced British hiker Esther Dingley, age 37, was last seen on November 22nd by Pic de Sauvegarde and has since been reported missing in the Pyrenees. 

Her partner Dan Colegate last heard from her through a smiling WhatsApp selfie. Since 2014 the pair have been travelling throughout Europe together, but this time Ms Dingley went to travel on her own as her partner was not well. 

Experienced hiker Esther Dingley has been reported missing since Wednesday, November 25th (image sourced from BBC News)

Skiier Marti Vigo del Arco last reported seeing an English woman that matches Ms Dingley's description on November 22nd too. Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia reported this with commentary as he stated that the woman was “very heavily loaded with a very big backpack”. 

She started her solo trip on Saturday, November 21st and was intended to be back in Gascony to meet partner Dan on Wednesday the 25th. When she failed to make any contact and was no where to be seen, she was reported as missing by Mr Colegate. 

So far, both Spanish and French mountain rescue teams have scoured the side of the Pyrenees mountain landscape.

Posters have been distributed by the gendarmerie throughout the region in the hope of finding Ms Dingley. Yet, in the past few days police have begun to explore “non-accident” alternatives. Worse, severe rain and snowfall forecasts have forced rescue teams to call off the physical search for the moment. 

Colegate has written on Facebook that he’s “broken” over this news.

Featured Image: Unsplash

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AUTHOR: Sophie McNally
Deputy Editor, History undergraduate, UB's The Spectrum alum and former KultureHub staff writer.

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