As I am a Liverpool fan, I recently attended their Champions League group stage game against Porto, where I was situated in the safe standing area in the lower tier of the Anfield Road stand. Sceptical about how it would work, I was intrigued to find out whether it would be a beneficial move or a negative one from the club.
Although you have the option to sit down as there is still one seat per person, myself and my brother opted to stand for the entirety of the game which added to the experience and atmosphere in the stadium.
Being tall is often an issue in stadiums where you must sit down and cram yourself in between people where the gap between you and the seat in front is not so big.
The standing area was almost a relief and left us with a lot more space than we would have had if we were sitting during the game.
The atmosphere is another thing I wish to expand on. I feel in general being able to stand during a football game gives you more freedom to join in with chants and songs, especially when others around you are also standing up doing the same thing.
There was also no issue of others not being able to see as the safe standing area is still tiered, allowing people behind you to still have a good view of the game.
All and all, I thought the safe standing areas within Anfield was an enjoyable experience and I would definitely go back to it if the opportunity came.