A Guide to Dealing with Post Travel Blues

Arriving home from holiday is never ideal, but here's how you can help avoid the post travel blues.

Amy Coppels
16th October 2017

Let’s talk about post-travel blues. You’re back in miserable England and you’re wondering why you didn’t stay sipping cocktails under the palm trees, or on the top of that mountain with those incredible views. You miss your trip like nothing else, and all you want to do is relive those memories and avoid reality for as long as possible. Maybe you don’t even feel like you can face what home holds for you: the petrifying thought of starting all over again at university, in my case.

But we can’t go back, and real life is just as important. Here are a few tips on how to turn those gloomy thoughts into positive ones…

You miss your trip like nothing else, and all you want to do is relive those memories and avoid reality for as long as possible.

  • Keep the adventure alive: make a scrapbook of all your photos of beautiful beaches, crazy nights out and new found friends, along with the scraps of tickets, and postcards that you kept along the way. It solidifies the chapter so that you can move on to the next stage of your journey, but also means you can relive those times whenever you like. Keep in touch with your favourite people – after all in the age of social media, we are all only one click away from each other!
  • Focus on making the next chapter amazing: whether it be starting university, a new job, or just throwing yourself back into what you left, make sure you grab it with both hands. Think about how much travelling made you grow as a person, and capitalise on this. Keep yourself busy with creating a new healthy routine that motivates you, get involved with new exciting projects, and make home life just as good as life across the oceans.
  • Get planning: your travelling experience has only just begun! You have only tasted a sliver of the huge world out there, and you have your whole life ahead of you to see the rest. Use your time to recharge and save some money- travelling wouldn’t be as rewarding otherwise! Get some glossy brochures and make a vision board for your next adventure, and be grateful you got the chance to ignite that travelling light inside of you.
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