Like the vast majority of people, I love Friends. The sarcastic humour in combination with fleshed out characters created an amazing TV show. However, my Friends opinions may differ to most - I loved Joey and Rachel and I wanted them to end up together. Rachel will always be my favourite character and so I was desperate to see her happy. Her relationship with Ross was uncomfortable to watch and there was no hope there. Her scenes with Joey were always my favourite and I was so excited when they became a couple, even though it didn’t last for long. Therefore, I controversially wanted them to end up together.
Ashes to Ashes, on the other hand, has been neglected by avid TV fans despite being the most clever show I’ve ever watched. The show follows DI Alex Drake who is transported back to 1981, the year her parents were killed, after being shot. Here, she meets DI Gene Hunt. Initially, I hated them together, Gene Hunt was a product of the ignorant 1980s culture and Alex spent much of the first season belittled by him. As the show goes on, their undeniable chemistry produces an unmissable watch. I won’t spoil the ending (because you have to watch this show!) but they eventually don’t end up together and you’ll be left reeling by the ending for weeks.
Another show that broke my heart was Once Upon a Time. This show has always been one of my favourites and I adored the reformed villain, Regina Mills. Regina’s love interest was Robin Hood until his untimely death. Whilst I loved them together, my heart laid with Regina’s ‘relationship’ with Emma Swan. They shared a son, Henry, together and had one of them been a man, they would have ended up together as their story was reminiscent of a fairy tale.
In my next couple of couples, there is still hope that they could get together as their TV shows are still ongoing. Therefore, there are some spoilers ahead. Sex Education, for example, has recently aired its second heartbreaking season. The build up throughout the season would suggest that eventually, the show would pair Maeve and Otis together. In stark contrast, however, the ending sees Nathan delete Otis’s voicemail to Maeve diminishing all chances of reconciliation. I’m still holding out hope, however, with season three airing next year.
Similarly, Netflix recently released its third season of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I must admit that I love Nick and Sabrina together and so was devastated when they finished the season apart. I also love Zelda and Madam Satan together, and so I was bitterly disappointed by the interaction between them. However, the finale did hint at Zelda’s happiness with Mambo Marie and I’m very excited to see where the writers go with this relationship.
In too many TV shows, my favourite characters fail to get together. Whilst this could often feel unsatisfying and painful, it often creates the best shows. It often highlights the independence of women, especially in the case of Ashes to Ashes. Sometimes it is for the best.