Tyne Collective launches to support independent businesses

Our twenty fourth good news story looks at how businesses are being helped so that the impact of Covid-19 lockdown is reduced.

Madeleine Raine
29th May 2020
Parade and other pics. I wasn't able to get an optimal location to shoot at the parade.

Tyne Collective is a new online hub that was created to support independent businesses on Tyneside during lockdown. Customers are now able to buy gift vouchers at local businesses to be used after lockdown. Beauty salons, retailers, bars, restaurants, and breweries are all invited to promote their businesses on this online hub.

Membership is free, with The Stand Comedy Club and Tynemouth Surf Co. having made the leap so far. Ellen Headley, creator of Tyne Collective, stated, “we’re delighted to be able to use our skills to contribute something valuable to the community during the crisis.”

This online hub is the perfect way for businesses to continue to receive customers as well as promote themselves online. Tyne Collective takes after Regalo, a similar idea founded by Harriet Russell in the North West of England. Russell states, “gift vouchers are something to look forward to at the best of times, but now they offer a way to support the businesses that have looked after us in better times, it’s our opportunity to give that back.”

Lockdown has had a drastic impact on smaller and independent businesses, but with Tyne Collective, these companies have a future. As Russell states, “together we’ll get through this.”

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AUTHOR: Madeleine Raine
MA History student with a BA in English Literature and History. Lifestyle writer and avid traveller who has recently branched out to also cover news articles. Twitter @RaineMadeleine

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