University Challenge

There’s no denying that although university is an exciting prospect, it is also an extremely self-conscious one too. As silly as it sounds, at home I knew what was shoes were cool and what outfit was deemed appropriate for a night out, FYI, high heels do not work down the spiral staircase of Soho. I […]

20th February 2017
@teafortravel on Instagram

There’s no denying that although university is an exciting prospect, it is also an extremely self-conscious one too. As silly as it sounds, at home I knew what was shoes were cool and what outfit was deemed appropriate for a night out, FYI, high heels do not work down the spiral staircase of Soho. I found myself worrying about how I looked far more than I really needed to, and in return I began to feel I’d lost a little confidence. So, I thought I’d share with you my top tips for whenever you’re feeling like you’ve lost a little of your oomph.

1. Okay, back to basics. Tweezers. Even the celebrities of this years ‘I’m a celeb’ used their dingo dollars for a pair.  And the countless ‘eyebrows on fleek’ memes show the reason. Well groomed (not over plucked) eyebrows frame your face, making your features more balanced and make your smile look even better!

2. Shower to music, get ready to music, cook to music. There’s something that just makes every task better while singing and dancing to your fave tunes. There’s no easier way to boost your mood!

3. Get enough sleep. We feel invincible at this time in our lives, apart from the odd hangover. However, the full 8-9 hours of sleep does not get enough credit. Waking up refreshed, with no under eye bags staying for the long haul? Yes please.

4. I went to a prinks recently, and they had a small bouquet of flowers inside a fabric softener bottle. The mere sight of it made me want to cry a little. It reminded me that sometimes you have to treat yourself with something a little beautiful – even if it’s a reduced chocolate mousse from M&S. Ever since them flowers, I started buying a bunch of daffodils each week. At only £1 it’s worth the smile they bring me each day.

5. There is absolutely no reason to wear more makeup to feel more beautiful or confident. In fact, studies show we often feel more confident if we are wearing less make-up. The one thing I’ve realised throughout my years of green eyeshadow or sparkly liner is that make up is all about emphasising that one feature you love about yourself. So, concentrate on your gorgeous shaped eyes, or lips or cheekbones and sit back and let the compliments roll in.

6.  Colour is fun and adventurous. Black, grey and white are safe proof. But, colour is what gets you noticed – in a good way. I love having painted nails, or having pretty coloured jewellery. In fact, my favourite shoes are pink Adidas trainers. When I bought them, my mum asked me if they were from the kid’s section. Kids wished they looked this jazzy.

7. I ring my best friend, Meg, about every 2 weeks. It’s not that often but I feel like in that 30 minutes I can laugh, cry and de-stress. It’s important to have a network of ladies or guys to rely on, to re-install that girl power within you, and treat you like you’re in Digi’s girl’s bathroom at 3am.

8. Buy yourself some hot underwear. The lacier, the better. I love my ‘Bridget Jones’ aka, my comfy black cottons. But, there’s nothing quite like a matching set where you can you look in the mirror and think ‘Yas Gurl’.  The most important opinion of yourself, is yourself. So, it might as well be a hot one.

9. Finally, since it’s the new year I feel I can say this without wanting to squirm a little inside. Exercise. A peachier butt makes for a happier person. Its science. Hello beautiful and confi

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