Vera Baird gives law school’s annual public lecture

Northumbria Constabulary’s Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird has delivered the Newcastle Law School’s annual public lecture.

23rd November 2016
Vera Baird Image: Wikimedia Commons

Northumbria Constabulary’s Police and Crime Commissioner Vera Baird has delivered the Newcastle Law School’s annual public lecture.

The lecture, titled ‘Making a Difference?’ was delivered to an audience of students last Thursday in the law school lecture theatre.

Ms Baird, a Visiting Professor of Legal Practice at Newcastle University, delivered a talk on her time spent overseeing the force, as well as her role as chair of the National Association of Police and Crime Commissioners. Offering both national and regional scope of her position.

Ms Baird has held the role of Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner since the position was created in 2012 and has overseen wide-ranging budget cuts. She has managed to reduce the force’s costs whilst strengthening the force’s stance on supporting victims. She created Victims First Northumbria, a single point of contact for people who have been the victim of crime. She has also strived to strengthen the force’s stance on sexual crimes, including introducing a rape scrutiny panel to see what can be improved in terms of victim support.

Speaking ahead of last Thursday’s talk, Ms Baird said: “I’m delighted to have been invited to give a lecture to mark my fourth anniversary as Northumbria’s elected Police and Crime Commissioner. Over the last four years much has been achieved - we have ensured that Northumbria continues to be recognised as one of the best forces in the country for tackling ASB (anti-social behaviour), we have revolutionised the way complaints are handled and our
vulnerability training has been recognised as a model of good practice.

“There is more to do, I’m up for the challenge and will continue to ensure Northumbria Police delivers effective policing for all communities and that we continue to be on the side of victims of crime, ensuring they have all the
support they need.”

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