Ways to be confident in a world that tells us not to be

Sofia Chiscop tells us how we can be confident and feel good about ourselves even in difficult times

Sofia Chiscop
5th April 2021
Self-confidence may start with “self”, but, too often, we think of it as something external. It might come in the form of us behaving or dressing in a certain way, but leaving all these external factors behind, in the end, it’s all about having the courage to be authentically yourself.

In a world where confidence is still perceived as narcissism and boundaries as selfishness, it’s easy to blame yourself for your lack of self-confidence

There is no right or wrong way to go about it, and your self-confidence “journey” will definitely not be the same as your mate’s or Beyoncé’s. In fact, I’d dare to say that it’s a never-ending journey. For instance, while I may be confident enough in front of strangers, I’m still struggling to assert my space and establish boundaries in my relationships. 

However, there’s something that each confidence journey has in common: practice. It may sound shallow, but, in the end, “fake it ’till you make it” is the best piece of advice when it comes to achieving confidence. While it might mean something different for each of us, I’m certain that we all embarked on this journey feeling pretty hopeless. In a world where confidence slogans plastered on T-shirts heavily contrast with the “beauty” standards set by those that produce the said T-shirts, in a world where confidence is still perceived as narcissism and boundaries as selfishness, it’s easy to blame yourself for your lack of self-confidence. Yes, confidence starts with the self, but there are so many other factors that can hinder it.

The world will benefit from you valuing your own judgments and having faith in yourself and your abilities

“How can I be self-confident in this hectic world?”, you may ask yourself. Well, as cliché as it may sound “no one is you, and that is your power”. You, let alone the world, your co-workers, or your friends won’t benefit from you trying to shrink yourself to fit certain unrealistic and, may I add, basic, standards. The world will benefit from you valuing your own judgments and having faith in yourself and your abilities. If it weren’t for this, we would all be living in a massive filter bubble, unable to form opinions, as everything around us is the same. 

Feature image credit: Pixabay, @Geralt

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