When Reality Ceases to be Real: The Impact of Deepfake Technology on Modern Society.

One of our students discusses the impact of Deepfake technology.

Shuliang Xu
11th December 2023
Have you ever daydreamed about swapping faces with a celebrity and living their life? Deepfake technology can now make this dream a reality. The artificial intelligence-based media synthesis technology can effortlessly replace your face and voice with those of another person to create an eerily realistic appearance.

Artist Chris Ume has pioneered deepfakes. His face swap video of Tom Cruise exploded on Tiktok and attracted countless likes and support. While some individuals embrace AI technologies like deepfake, others feel unsafe due to the the negative attitude of developers towards deepfake technology who frame it as a critical security issue.

The software Deepnude is the best evidence that deepfake technology is being used for nefarious purposes. In essence, this software uses AI to take a random photo of a woman and automatically "undress" her. It is astonishing that the creators of DeepNude contended that "technology is not guilty" and showed disappointment with the opposition to DeepNude after it was pulled off.

"AI is like a gun: the only person who really knows whether it will shoot bullets or flowers is the person who created it."

It is obvious that AI technology will be closely linked to the future of society. To discover reality in a world that is no longer real, the only way to prevent people from becoming victims of AI is for them to remain in awe of the technology. But this cannot just rely on governments making regulations to prevent people from doing nasty things, nor can it only rely on more companies developing anti-deepfake technology to find the real. Ultimately, AI is like a gun: the only person who really knows whether it will shoot bullets or flowers is the person who created it.

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