Why F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is overrated...

We have to be honest, 'Friends' is overrated

Zahra Hanif
20th February 2023
Image: @IMDB

I want to start off with a disclaimer: just because I think it’s overrated doesn’t mean that I hate it. But I think like most fans, the nostalgic factor is what makes it enjoyable, it’s genuinely mindless comfort TV that I can play in the background while I tidy my room. But it’s just that - its storylines are bland and unimportant, many of its jokes are entirely outdated, and I think Rachel should’ve stayed on the plane. If you’re still unconvinced, I invite you to watch a YouTube edit of the show without the laughing track - it’s dull, eerie even. It’s not the worst show out there, but it seems bizarre to me that it’s acquired this die-hard fan club, when there are much more interesting shows out there.

AUTHOR: Zahra Hanif
English literature student :)

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