The dispute reportedly started when Sanders suggested that a woman could not defeat Donald Trump. The backlash against this statement is symptomatic of the general feeling in the Democrat party that tokenism is a necessity. Whilst I would love to see a woman - or a member of the LBGT community, like Pete Buttigieg - as president, at the end of the day, the Democratic nominee should be the one that is best for the job, and most likely to oust Trump.
The dispute serves to divide the Democratic party; many voters are currently choosing sides just like they did in the 2016 election. What happened last time is Sanders lost the primaries to Hilary Clinton, and a large number of Democrat voters voted independently or not at all. Similar behaviour this time round will only serve to bolster the Republican hold on the White House, especially when they seem better able to get behind a single candidate.
Democrat voters need to learn that a Democrat that wasn't your first choice is better than a Republican, particularly Trump
Counterintuitive as it sounds, Democrats need to take a page from the Republican Playbook. A Democratic president that wasn’t your first choice must surely be better than a Republican president, particularly one as corrupt and politically unstable as Donald Trump. To avoid this schism widening further, the Democratic party needs to sort itself out, and encourage voters to vote Democrat regardless of candidate. This will avoid the second term of President Trump, which is something that I, for one, do not wish to witness.
Further discussion on the Warren-Sanders schism can be found at: