Why this, why now Truss, It's only been a year?

A year on from Liz Truss' time as Prime Minister a student reflects on her time in office.

Cory Gourley
23rd October 2023
wikimedia_Simon Dawson
She's desperate to prove she is a fighter, not a quitter!
She was Prime Minister for just 45 days, but a year on from Liz Truss being banished from Number 10, there is a sense of excitement surrounding her return to the political word, so given fact that she left ‘Broken Britain’ in an absolute state, I ask why this, why now?

We must start by putting her awkward GB News stints, tabloid interviews and lack of guilt aside because her presence at the most recent tory party conference was definitely felt, it was almost like your favourite Granny turning up at Christmas with a tub of Quality Street and everyone ambushing her, leaving your other Granny, in this case Rishi Sunak, twiddling their thumbs with a bag of Cough sweets. So, is she back because her party want her back?

I mean she did cause the crash of the Foreign Market, Stock Market and the Bond Market, they weren’t so much crashes, in fairness, but more absolute catastrophic pileups, and she did it all within a month but I believe it is not Liz Truss people are excited about but the ideology that she represents, she acknowledges that taxing and borrowing, something that has carried the state over the past 30 years, will not allow the economy to develop.

Not only that but now tories are fed up with tories, some must be feeling a case of post Partygate, post Brexit and post Pandemic fatigue. Truss doesn’t represent that branch of Etonian Head Boys who are always running the shop, her and her ideologies are a breath of fresh air within the Tory bubble, which is full of politicians gasping for air and for them Truss is an oxygen mask, in their eyes ready to breathe new life into the country with her anti-low economic growth policies, if only she knew how to implement these policies properly and let’s face it, she’s already had her chance and blown it, so again why does she deserve a second chance now?

Personally, I find Truss cringe, her lack of shame delusional and I find her about as politically insightful as the turnips her deputy Thérèse Coffey tried to force feed us and yet somehow I want to hear what she has to say, this beige, political enigma, who vampirically sucked the life out of the economy in a matter of weeks, intrigues me every time. Perhaps we want an apology, perhaps we want to know what shampoo she uses or perhaps we’re just desperate for solutions to fix ‘Broken Britian’.

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