Why you should care about the upcoming student elections

All nominations are officially closed, and voting opens soon... here's what you need to know.

Libby Griffiths
19th February 2024
Image Source: Laura Linceviciute
Nominations are now officially closed on the February 8 for all Sabbatical Officer roles for the 2024/25 academic year. With over 10 positions ready to be filled, here's why your vote matters in the upcoming student elections.

Voting opens on March 4 and your vote can determine the outcome for what happens in our Students Union for the next academic year. All the following positions are to be filled; President, Education Officer, Postgraduate Officer, Activities Officer, Welfare and Equality Officer, Athletic Union Officer, and Student Media Officer. And there's a lot to consider.

Each position plays a significant role in making up the Students Union and shaping your experience at Newcastle University. To not read over the manifestos, listen to the candidate spotlights, and use your vote carefully for important changes, would be ignoring the difference you can make for your own experience at university.

Once again, voting opens March 4. Head to nusu.co.uk to find out more information, and make sure to vote!

AUTHOR: Libby Griffiths
Campus Comment Sub-Editor | Journalism Student

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