Yarnmageddon: The ultimate knit VS crochet showdown

The debate dividing indie girls in grandpa pullovers everywhere...

Margaux Martinez
5th November 2024
Image credit: Lavnatalia, pixabay

Team Crochet - Margaux Martinez

In September 2022, I picked up knitting. By May 2023, the only things I had made were tiny hats for a charity. A friend taught me how to crochet in June 2023, and by August of the same year, I had made a pair of gloves, a summer top and about four amigurumi (small yarn creatures). 

Crocheting goes so quickly, an easy little hobby that doesn't require years for your projects to be finished. Do you need a late Christmas or birthday present? Crocheting has got you covered! But crocheting is not only super practical because of its speed, it’s also very convenient as you can crochet anywhere. You can even take crochet hooks on the plane, unlike knitting needles! If that isn’t a sign of a better hobby, I don’t know what is.

Are you looking for something to make you feel very special and unique? Crocheting is perfect because it genuinely cannot be made by machines. Every piece of crochet that exists has been made by the loving hands of someone.

I think the main difference between the two is the end result. I actually prefer knitting for sweaters and big projects as such because it looks more minimalist and, in a way, more professional. However, crochet expands your opportunities for having fun. So many creators on Etsy crochet fantasy clothes; capes, dresses, corsets, hats and many others. The opportunities are vast and attainable, even for beginners! 

Team Knitting - Adelaide Dodson

Knitting, whilst not the easiest skill to pick up is, - I think – pretty fun when you get the technique down. Much like crochet, it’s a little fiddly to get the hang of. The first time I had to make a slip knot it took me ten tries but casting on and the rest came with practice (and lots of it). 

Whilst I know crochet has a reputation for being easier, I found them similarly difficult to pick up. That is, there were plenty of mistakes at the beginning but when it clicks it’s relatively easy going from there.

When I did finally get to the point where I could knit rows and rows without a plethora of random holes and loose threads it was a massive highlight of my week, month, maybe even year. 

There’s also a slight stereotype around kitting I think that makes people associate it with their nana – and to be fair my nana did set me off on my kitting journey – but don’t let the association scare you off! I think all crafters should just give it a go. 

Buy some knitting needles and some yarn from a charity shop, which won’t cost much at all, and just watch many, many YouTube videos, I promise you’ll have your first scarf before you know it. 

Whichever team you rep, this is a PSA to the fibre arts community, REST THOSE WRISTS!

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