Pandemic fashion: nightlife edition

Georgia shares her appreciation for the changes that nightlife fashion has undergone as a result of Coronavirus.

Georgia Morson
5th October 2020
Whether you're a fresher or a returning student, I’m sure that social distancing requirements, hand sanitiser stations, and closed nightclubs have never quite been a part of the university experience that you imagined. However, rest assured: with the new "normal", all is certainly not lost! 

With nightclubs now a distant memory, I have watched the Newcastle "nightlife" as we know it morph into something new. Due to Covid-19 restrictions and closures, more young people are now choosing pubs, bars and restaurants to socialise. Gone are the days of waiting until 10pm to go out; instead people are finally taking advantage of places being open! And with this transformation of Newcastle nightlife, fashion, too, has changed. The closure of nightclubs has introduced a more comfortable - not to mention warm - nightlife style.

Now the nightlife style is much more casual and comfortable, with many people opting for a nice top, jeans and - most importantly - a jacket!

This new nightlife attire means that the days of short dresses, cropped tops and no jackets are over - for now, at least! To be honest, this is a complete relief to me; I am certainly not going to miss acting as though I am loving life in my dress, when in reality I am freezing (and slightly concerned about catching hypothermia). Now the nightlife style is much more casual and comfortable, with many people opting for a nice top, jeans and - most importantly - a jacket! This is one aspect of the new "normal" that I can actually appreciate, with my current favourite top, jeans and trainers not only being warm but more versatile than a dress and heels ever were.

I can spend more time in the city centre, and less time at home stressing about what to wear

This more casual look also means I now feel comfortable going to a series of places, such as the shops, a restaurant and then a bar, without sticking out like a sore thumb in at least one of these places. In turn, this means that I can spend more time in the city centre, and less time at home stressing about what to wear. So, whilst Newcastle’s new nightlife fashion may not be what you had originally hoped for, I think you'll agree with me when I say that it sure does feel good to be warm and comfortable.

Featured Image: Pxhere

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