Tips for a homely housemate Halloween

Lyndsey Ward discusses homely Halloween plans to allow us to embrace the festivities, despite the current restrictions.

Lyndsey Ward
13th October 2020
Ironically, this time last year I wrote an article about making Halloween plans tailored for your preference- staying in versus going out. Obviously, with the circumstances we now find ourselves in, the choice has pretty much been made for us. However, the Covid restrictions don't mean that you can't still have a happy Halloween!

Here's some ideas on how you can celebrate all things spooky, whilst staying safe!

Staying in doesn't mean that you can't still go all out for Halloween. If you're a sucker for dressing up, I highly recommend Snazaroo's face paint and make up; it's super good quality and perfect for jazzing up all different Halloween looks. Also, a bonus of dressing up whilst staying in- you don't need to worry about having a coat or a suitable pair of shoes to wear out that will go with your outfit! You can dress up as much as you like, without the fear of getting cold, wind swept, rained on, or sore feet.

Plus, if you're not big into dressing up but still want to embrace the Halloween spirit, you can decorate your living area for minimum cost; decorations are cheap and easy to pick up in most high street stores. Pumpkin carving also makes a fun (but messy) activity. Once lit up, they make a nice autumnal touch for your living area.

If you're wanting to celebrate in a more low-key fashion, you could host a horror film marathon with your flat/housemates. What's great is, if you're missing being able to celebrate with your friends from outside of your household, you can use streaming services to watch films with them simultaneously. However, if you're not big on horror movies, you can still try some festive and spooky films that are on the more light-hearted side. Some of my personal favourites include, Hotel Transylvania and The Nightmare before Christmas. Watching Halloween themed films, paired with some lights and decorations creates a spooky yet cosy atmosphere.

To finish off, there's also lots of great Halloween snacks, soft drinks and cocktail recipes that you can try. A Halloween snack I recommend making is marshmallow ghosts. You make these by simply melting the marshmallows slightly, creating a ghost shape, and then decorating them with melted chocolate or icing for a ghouly face. These are super quick, easy and cheap to make. Buying little things such as Halloween themed cups and plates also make a nice touch to get you in the spooky mood.

Image: Pixabay @PublicDomainPictures

Despite the tough circumstances, we can all still enjoy Halloween at home. It'll definitely be one to remember!

Featured image: Flickr @Jasmin Fine

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