Introducing: 'DECIDE' by Djo

One of our Writer's introduces us to DECIDE by Djo...

Sophie Austen
15th April 2024
ImageCredit: IMDb
Djo is the critically acclaimed solo-project of the musician and actor Joe Keery, better known for his role as Steve Harrington in the hit Netflix series ‘Stranger Things’. Keery’s music has transcended the stigma of actor-turned-singer vanity project with his new album, cementing his place as a serious musician with a unique vision.

Released in 2022, ‘DECIDE’ is his sophomore album and is a dauntless, innovative project that boasts a breadth of vision with an addictive collection of high-tech energetic synths, inspired lyricism, and spirited hooks. ‘DECIDE’ is finally getting the love it deserves as it is experiencing a resurgence of attention, thanks to the immense popularity of the single ‘End of Beginning’ on TikTok. The track now has over 240,000,000 Spotify streams, so I think it’s safe to say that the album has decidedly evaded the dreaded “sophomore slump”.

With ‘DECIDE’, Djo builds on the foundations laid by his previous full-length album ‘Twenty Twenty’ whilst also venturing into new territories, both thematically and sonically. ‘DECIDE’ blends an eclectic mix of psychedelic synth-pop, new wave, and symphonic 70s rock, that are fused together in way that somehow feels both nostalgic and forward-thinking. This blend of old and new, organic and synthetic, creates a soundscape that is simultaneously familiar and entirely new. Djo has not limited himself to a specific sound and has therefore opened himself up to a sort of auditory character-development, which is undoubtedly aided by his experience as an actor.

Lyrically, ‘DECIDE’ explores themes of entering and breaking cycles, past regrets and new beginnings, as well as welcoming and accepting change. Its personality-driven sound and lyrics don’t simply suggest decisiveness but demand it. The tracks ‘On and On’ and ‘Change’ epitomise this exploration, with ‘Change’ delving into the discomfort and exhilaration of personal transformation, and ‘On and On’ tackling addictive cycle of social media, as well as the ways it distorts our perception of reality and human connection.

Chameleonic style-shifts, quick-witted yet though-provoking lyrics

The production on ‘DECIDE’ is an awe-inspiring achievement in its own right. It feels exhilaratingly expansive whilst also allowing the intricacies of each track to evolve and breathe. With its chameleonic style-shifts, quick-witted yet though-provoking lyrics, and near flawless production, ‘DECIDE’ has a boundless presence that demands to be listened to.

Ultimately, ‘DECIDE’ offers an immersive listening experience that is set apart by its ingenious genre-blending, experimental production, and Keery’s enviable creative flair. It is safe to say that ‘DECIDE’ has ZERO skips and you should all listen to it on your preferred streaming platform immediately.

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