Let's not dance around the subject... is it an art or a sport?

Dance the night away, or go Strictly Ballroom? The age-old debate returns: is dance an art or a sport?

Imogen Smillie
22nd April 2024
Image Credit: Pixabay

You know that thing you do every Saturday night down Bigg Market, into the early hours of the morning? No, not drinking…dancing! Well despite being a favourite pastime for many, the world in which this hobby presides is up for debate. Is dance a sport, or an art form?

Image Credit: Imogen Smillie

Growing up, I attended weekly dance classes at the local dance school. Since the age of 3 I have been prancing around in little ballet shoes and annoying my family at home with the latest tap routine. As I got older and gained more experience, I was approached to compete in dance competitions. Now this changed everything!

Dance was a way for me to be creative whilst keeping fit and healthy; a weekly routine that helped me focus and learn basic skills. However, the moment that competitions were mentioned, I became… well, competitive (with myself)! I decided not to compete as I would be put under pressure and forget why I enjoyed dance so much – to express myself, keep fit and use my creative side.

"I think we can all agree that dance will never fit into just one of these categories"

Personally, this is why I believe dance is a sport. And with the upcoming Olympic Games holding Break Dancing as one of their new summer sports, we see a way for all those that love dance to compete in the world’s greatest Sport event in the world!

But Imogen, I hear you ask, if you think it’s a sport, why are you writing for the Arts section? Well, that’s because, it’s really not that simple.

With the upcoming Breakin’ Dance Convention Festival in the early May Bank Holiday, we can explore the way that dance is an artform. As mentioned before, the long list of genres allows dancers to express themselves creatively: from elegant ballet, to emotional contemporary or even jazz-hands tap! And why is it only breaking that has been added to the Olympics roster? Is it perhaps the most popular style?

"Dance was a way for me to be creative whilst keeping fit and healthy"

Now, look back on your last night out? You were probably dancing and having a great time? With no competition or pressure involved (unless you somehow ended up in a Strictly Ballroom-esque dance battle?), that is just more proof that dance is an artform, all about freedom and creativity!

After exploring both dance as sport and art, I think we can all agree that dance as a whole will never fit into just one of these categories. Whether you are like me and use dance to keep fit and be creative, or you want to use your talent to compete, dance can be for everyone! I miss my time as a dancer, but I certainly don’t miss my football loving Dad asking me the age-old question “is dance a sport?”. Because yes, it is, just a lot more artistic than most, and only if you want it to be!

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