A trip to the Scottish capital; whisking away to Edinburgh

Madeleine Raine shares why you should visit the beautiful Scottish capital, Edinburgh

Madeleine Raine
7th March 2020
Feature Image Credit: Kevin Phillips from Pixabay
It’s that time of year again. The hype of winter break is over and we are in our second semester of the academic year, yet summer still seems a lifetime away. We’re all starting to get a little restless and wondering when and where our next holiday will be. That is why Edinburgh is the perfect destination for any student. Beautiful throughout all four seasons, this popular city is just a short train journey from Newcastle. Whether you are wanting a weekend trip or a longer stay, this historic city is the place to be!

Edinburgh at Christmastime is one of the most beautiful and festive cities. Adorned with Christmas lights and festive music this is the perfect destination for a weekend break. The most iconic feature of this historic city is its Christmas markets. Nestled in the heart of East Princes Street Gardens, this is a must see for everyone. Stalls upon stalls of handcrafted gifts and ornaments excite interests from all around the globe, adding a special touch to this unique city. Not only do independent artists flock to these markets to share and discover new ideas, but also food vendors from around the country. French, Asian and Italian cuisine are just a few to name that line the Edinburgh Christmas markets. Tantalise your taste buds with a traditional French crepe or experience an exotic noodle dish at the Korean stall, it’s up to you, but Edinburgh certainly goes above and beyond in their food choices.

Its ancestry and heritage pronounce it a prime historical destination for any avid traveller

Despite its magical feel at Christmastime, Edinburgh is certainly not a city confined by the seasons with a definite increase in popularity during the summer months. Visitors from all around the globe flock to this historic city particularly in June and July to explore this Scottish gem. An area known to have been inhabited since 8500 BC, Edinburgh is a city that has since grown in size and favour. Its ancestry and heritage pronounce it a prime historical destination for any avid traveller, therefore it is no surprise that Edinburgh is home to hundreds of walking tours every day. With J.K. Rowling writing the Harry Potter series at The Elephant House in Scotland, it is not surprising that Edinburgh hosts a variety of Harry Potter tours across the old town. If fantastical fiction novels are not your cup of tea then fear not for Edinburgh also hosts numerous ghostly tours on an evening both throughout the city as well as in the vaults below. A city steeped in history, both of these tours are highly popular amongst visitors and is something that most remember for a lifetime.

Image Credit: -JvL- from Flickr

If you are wanting a cheaper alternative to this glorious city, then you can take the more scenic tour because Edinburgh, despite its urban centre, has a large expanse of green land and lush spaces. The main attraction for those visiting Edinburgh is Arthur’s Seat. An extinct volcano, Arthur’s Seat is situated just a short walk east of the city itself. This hill is a fairly easy climb making it a highly popular destination for ramblers and more keen climbers. Although not as popular in the winter months, spring and summer host thousands of visitors every week.

One of the first images that spring to mind when we mention Scotland is its abundance of castles, with Edinburgh baring no difference. Edinburgh Castle is the most famous castle due to its prime position on the top of the castle rock, with its role throughout history serving as both a fortress and home. This is not the only castle that Edinburgh has pride in beholding however. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is just one of the many extravagant landmarks that add to the magnificence of this city and promote its rich ancestry.

Image Credit: Ad Meskens from Wikicommons

Edinburgh is a popular destination for all which has increased over recent years. It is home to countless museums, galleries and historic landmarks that boast its rich history. Split into the old and new town, this city has something to offer for everyone. Whether you are an historic fanatic or just enjoy a casual trip away then Edinburgh is the place for you. Come winter, summer, autumn or spring, this city has something for every season. With it only being an hour and a half’s train ride from Newcastle itself it is the perfect destination for all.

Feature Image Credit: Kevin Phillips from Pixabay

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AUTHOR: Madeleine Raine
MA History student with a BA in English Literature and History. Lifestyle writer and avid traveller who has recently branched out to also cover news articles. Twitter @RaineMadeleine

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