Are we about to enter the ‘undetectable era’ of plastic surgery?

As plastic surgery becomes more and more normalised, it becomes harder to ignore the danger that comes with its undetectability.

Scarlet Davies
11th November 2024
Image credit: imcmedical centre, flickr
Plastic surgery in the 21st century has become an issue. Children are now looking at pictures of models or celebrities, many of whom have been surgically altered in some way, and assuming that people can look like them naturally. It might not be so much of an issue if people were honest about the work they’ve had done- but we live in a world where plastic surgery is considered taboo. This means that while people keep the work they’ve had done a secret, we are creating an unrealistic standard of beauty for the new generation. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. Plastic surgery can actually have many positive effects on society, from treating burn victims to improved mental health from those with severe deformities. However, social media has led us- and particularly impressionable young people- to think that their body needs altering.

Rather than encouraging us to embrace our appearances and accept our ‘flaws’, viewing so many public figures (who we are led to believe have perfectly natural lips/noses/jawbones/bodies) causes the public to hate themselves. Children want to look older, more societally ‘beautiful’. Others want to get rid of their wrinkles, tighten their skin. But since when was this an issue before beauty magazines and aesthetic operations? 

Plastic surgery might look realistic, but it's also permanent.

The ‘beauty standard’ is unavoidable, but also a trend that changes every six months anyway. In the 2000s everyone wanted to be skinny, and then ‘slim-thick’ was introduced. Tanned skin is seen as attractive but hundred years ago, it was desirable to be as pale as possible to show your wealth. Plastic surgery might look realistic, but it's also permanent.  Who’s to say that in another year, the newest fad may be something else completely? Maybe it’ll be the exact thing everyone wants to get rid of that’ll have everyone wishing they were you.

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