BAFTA puts on its breaks

George Bell discusses the latest cancellation caused by the coronavirus, the BAFTAs

George Bell
22nd March 2020
Credit: WikiMedia Commons
2020 is off to a great start, no doubt about that, I even found a quid the other day. Okay, maybe that first bit is false- but the second actually happened, I swear. Wildfires gave way to World War 3 and that gave way to the oh-so-lovely Coronavirus and its tendency to disrupt anything and everything it can. Not to say I’m a sociable person to begin with, or have any actual “friends” but all the things that have been canceled are really starting to grind my gears.

The media industry is certainly taking a big hit from the virus, with numerous films like Fast and Furious 9 and Black Widow being pushed back. TV shows also at risk, with big shows that are currently in production like LOKI have ceased production for the time being. The latest victim of Covid-19 is, unfortunately, the BAFTA TV awards.

In short, coronavirus sucks.

Originally set to air on the 17th of May (my birthday if anyone cares) with nominations set to be released on April 26th, BAFTA has since decided to delay the event until later with new dates yet to be confirmed. With coronavirus causing so much uncertainty, it is difficult to determine when or if the TV BAFTAS will return this year. It’s even possible the BAFTAS may just get skip a year entirely, which would certainly be a disappointment for all the show that have out in so much hard work. In short, coronavirus sucks.

Credit: ronpaulrevolt2008 on Flickr

Some TV shows like The Ellen Show are still airing just without an actual audience so while clearly not preferable, for such an event this could be something to be considered. Conan O'Brien just announced on Twitter that he hopes to still do his late-night show from the comfort of his own home while skyping in all his guests. While it’s likely a joke, I could think of nothing better than applying something similar to the TV awards. Just imagine Olivia Coleman winning the best leading actress and her face popping up on a massive screen, lying in bed in her PJs. It would still allow the talent behind our favourite shows to be recognised while still allowing for social distancing, and who wouldn’t love staying inside with a cuppa rather than having to dress up?

The disruptions and current scenario are definitely dire, but it’s important to try and stay positive whenever we can. At least we have time and reason to binge/catch-up with all those shows we have been missing. Now excuse me while I go and try to conquer my Netflix watch list, of which I may need two pandemics to get through.

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AUTHOR: George Bell
One half film addict, one part computer nerd. All parts Croc lover

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