Behold the power: My journey as a Newcastle Uni Powerlifting Club Member

One student shares his experiences with powerlifting at uni...

Editorial Team
9th October 2023
Image: Jonathan Graham
How outlandishly conceivable is it that a slightly podgy second year with affinities for nightlife, video games and 2AM Deliveroo takeaways lacking the physique of a sculpted Greek god be interested in powerlifting and weightlifting! These premade anxieties in my head were put to bed when I attended one of the Newcastle University Powerlifting and Weightlifting Club’s – or known as ‘NUPWC’- taster sessions last September; immediately realising how inclusive, friendly, and encouraging the club members and committee are.  

You may be wondering, what does NUPWC do? NUPWC is one of the uni’s many sports clubs seeing its members meet up to train together in the strength and conditioning suites in the sports centre. The focal point of training revolves around the practice of the squat, bench press and deadlift, colloquially referred to together as the ‘SBD’: which lifters have the option of demonstrating in a tiered system of regional, national, continental and world-class tournaments. Myself, an utter stranger to these 3 lifts – only now a wobbly intermediate – was introduced to these lifts by the club’s informative and welcoming coaches: showing me the fundamentals of the three movements and getting to know me personally. Freshly enthused by the taster session, I decided to join the club for the academic year.  

Jonathan Graham PRs at a mock meet (Image: Jonathan Graham)

Attending training sessions, I quickly began to get the hang of the ‘SBD’, training 3 times per week with other club members. During this period, I found myself getting to know my fellow lifters, bonding over training, general interests and having a great time on the socials: pub crawls, Soho sports nights, Osborne Road: all regularly frequented by sports clubs in search of a fun night-out. 

Wishing to test myself further in the sport I signed up to the Northern Universities Championships in January. Despite my novice skill level, I set my sights fully on preparing for the meet: sticking to my set training routine, eating properly and sleeping well (well… trying to). The wait was over, the stars were aligned, and competition day was nigh! Having driven down to the venue, weighed myself in officially and beginning my warmups, I felt pumped up and ready to go, but my nerves were sky-high. “GO ON JONATHAN! YOU’RE UP NEXT!!”. Next thing I know I’m walking onto the stage and bracing for a squat; in a moment of silence, I wait for the referee’s signal… “BRACE!!…LIFT!!” and with a herculean effort I lift the weight successfully, rewarded by a cheer from the audience. Following successive rounds of squatting, deadlifting and benching I push myself to my physical limit, achieving two personal records in the squat and deadlift, infusing myself with an overwhelming sense of self-fulfilment and exhilaration at overcoming the challenge I had set myself. I placed bottom of my weight class, yet I came out of the tournament knowing I had gained a passion for powerlifting, and most importantly, through the love of training, gained friendships with my club-mates enriching my university experience.

by Jonathan Graham

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