Best and worst place to study on campus? Where’s your favourite study spot?

One of our comment sub-editors recommends their favourite student study spots.

Emily Kelso
16th May 2022
Unless you live under a rock, you'll be well aware we are headed into exam season at Newcastle. The university have even taken it upon themselves to advertise the best study spaces in their humble opinions on TikTok (question one: why do the university even have a TikTok account?). I will review the suggestions made on the TikTok account and contribute a few of my own. Buckle up folks for some controversial opinions on which study spaces are hidden gems and which are more 'tourist-traps'.

No article on study spaces can start without the Philip Robinson Library, the old favourite. There are some beautiful seats and views to be had in the library, but such spaces tend to get taken by 10am. Most of the time, the library is heaving with people making conversation, even in the silent areas. Lets not forget the temptation that is the cafe (a danger for any student trying to save money). The Marj is a popular choice as well, though it seems counterproductive to call the Marj a library since the Marj has no books at all. I've not used the Marj often but it seems a decent space, though prone to the same problems as the Robbo: overcrowding. For those of you after a quieter library, try the Law Library! Right beside their big sibling but much quieter, and honestly it fits the vibe of a library better. Plus, its a great place to pretend you're at Harvard and becoming the next Elle Woods. Win-win in my opinion.

its a great place to pretend you're at Harvard and becoming the next Elle Woods

Newcastle go onwards to suggest the Armstrong Building cluster as a suitable workspace. Have they ever tried working there before? There are only four computers, one of which is eternally slow, and don't even bother with the printer. If you need a workspace that's close to lecture halls, try Student Central beside Chicken Shack. There are always spare computers to be had (although some do not work), and it is close to most buildings on campus. If you get there early enough, you can even snag one of the coveted booths! It does get noisy, but don't fear! Just down from the corridor of Student Central (on the way to the toilets) is a row of computers to work at which acts as a quiet workspace.

The video goes on to list the Student Hub in the NUSU building as an ideal workspace, although I have never used it. Cafes in the Northern Stage and in the city centre are similarly listed, again I have never tried to study there. Perhaps I'll try to study there, in what is my last exam season on campus. I hope you try somewhere new this exam season and test the Law Library or Student Central.

AUTHOR: Emily Kelso
Third year History and Archaeology student. Also a Comment Sub-Editor.

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