Black and Blue: Believe me Now?

Ellie Pidgeon discusses NUSU's anti-domestic violence campaign

Ellie Pidgeon
16th March 2020
Image Credit: NUSU

This week Newcastle University Student University is leading conversations about domestic abuse in their campaign Black & Blue: Believe me now? The campaign aims to place survivors at the centre of the conversation, providing real insight into what goes on behind closed doors. This is an extremely topical campaign, that educates on the signs of domestic abuse.

The workshops are taking place on the 9th and 11th March

The campaign is split into two sections - Workshops and Showcasing. The workshops are taking place on the 9th and 11th March, and encourage the creative exploration of survivors stories. I completely recommend attending one of these workshops because the focus is solely placed on the survivors and their experiences and stories. There is time for discussion between survivors and therefore, creates a community and support network. There is also the opportunity to attend showcases that further the education on abuse, harassment and violence. 

The intersectionality of this campaign is extremely important; domestic abuse does not discriminate and it affects people of all genders and sexualities. Not only is it open to survivors of sexual and domestic abuse on campus, but it is also open to people who have experienced these issues at any point throughout their lives. This is reflected in the title of inclusive campaign. 

As the campaign leader Eleasha Forster highlights, the is a “student safety campaign focusing on raising awareness around the hidden nature of abuse, harassment and violence.” She then goes on to say that ‘this is a very personal subject matter as I, along with so many Newcastle University students, am a survivor of domestic abuse, rape, and childhood sexual abuse but was not believed because I had no physical markings. This campaign uses art to empower survivors to own their narratives and reclaim power back fro our perpetrators. I have worked so hard to put together online resources and advice and support for anyone affected by these issues and set up survivor workshops transforming our stories into art.”

This is an extremely topical campaign that places survivors in the limelight. In this campaign, art is used as a vehicle to facilitate the shared discussion of experience of abuse, harassment and violence. I hope to see everyone get involved, and if you cant attend the workshops, please not that they can drop any piece of artwork behind Reception in the NUSU up until the first week back from easter break.

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