If you are interested in signing up for Blind Date, click here to fill out the form. We are now also accepting double dates, so please specify in your form who you would like your buddy to be on the double date.
How did Georgia and Alex's date go?
Hi Georgia, why did you sign up for blind date?
My flatmate and I signed each other up for it as a fun and unusual thing to do.
What is your usual type?
Funny and active.
What were your first impressions of Alex?
He was chatty and friendly.
Did you enjoy going on a Zoom date?
Yes, because it was different and I got to wear my pyjama bottoms! But also no because the sound sometimes cut out which meant we had to keep repeating things.
What did you talk about on your date?
Uni and covid mainly. We had a laugh about a mutual friend.
Did you fancy him?
If Alex was a bar in Newcastle, which would he be and why?
No idea, 97 & Social because I had a laugh there but don't know him well enough to make judgement?
Have you been in contact with each other since the date?
Just an email to exchange numbers.
Hey Alex, why did you sign up for blind date?
I wasn't aware I'd been signed up until I was forwarded an image of my submission by my mates why thought they could have a laugh at my expense.
What's your usual type?
I usually tend to go for brunettes. I definitely prefer girls that can carry a conversation and take interest in getting to know me better. Always a plus if they tell a good story and have a relaxed sense of humour.
What were your first impressions of Georgia?
She made a great first impression with good conversation and managed to avoid any awkwardness that would come with meeting someone for the first time online.
Did you enjoy going on a Zoom date?
Honestly, I really wasn't looking forward to it being over zoom, but after getting to know Georgia it wasn't that bad, definitely would have preferred a nice bar though!
What did you talk about on your date?
We really just got to know each other and exchanged some good night out stories from our time at Newcastle. Also found out that I had seen her in one of her musical performances due to me having a mate in the same society.
Did you fancy her?
Yes, great girl to spend some time with, and I really like the Scottish accent!
If Georgia was a bar in Newcastle, which would she be and why?
I'd have to go with The Botanist because it's good looking and has a great atmosphere.
Have you been in contact with each other since the date?
Yes, we exchanged numbers and (if restrictions allow) may go for a drink in the near future.
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