Books vs Kindles vs Audiobooks: who comes out on top?

Which one's best to experience reading: Books, Kindles or Audiobooks?

7th March 2023
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Have you ever buried your head in a book and taken a deep smell from it? I have, and I love the smell of books; it feels like I am going to be sucked into the world of Inkheart! As technology has improved, there are more options for us to read. Kindle and audiobooks are products from recent generations, and they are brilliant tools for people to read. But when it comes to it, what would you choose? 

Books are one of the greatest human creations in history. I think there are still a great number of people who prefer physical books. The feeling of turning pages is unbeatable. Moreover, reading physical books lends itself to easier concentration and immersion in the world of stories, without being bothered by notifications or pop-up advertisements. Taking books with you when you are out, reading them in a café or on transportation, is an enjoyable lifestyle.

Physical books will always be the best way to read; I love to appreciate the beautiful book covers and buy them for my collections

Kindles are a handy tool for reading. Using a kindle can save us time to visit a brick-and-mortar bookshop, and with a Kindle, we don’t need to carry heavy books. Moreover, there are uncountable e-books on the Internet we can download to our devices to read. For a student, e-books are a lifesaver for those of us who have endless reading lists. 

What about audiobooks? Compared to books and e-books, audiobooks are a tool that allow people to listen to books and do other things at the same time. They create an immersive experience when we put on our headphones, just you and your story. However, audiobooks are not easy for people to take notes from immediately, and we can easily get lost while we are focusing on reality. 

To find which way of reading suits you, you need to know your own reading habits and realistic limitations. For me, physical books will always be the best way to read. I love to appreciate the beautiful book covers and buy them for my collections, especially the ones with the hardcovers. I get a little moment of happiness when I hold them and feel the weight. However, no matter which way you choose to consume this medium, we should be happy that technology has advanced so that more people can read in their own way. 

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