According to Cardiff University’s Student Union, blue shirts and chinos are notoriously associated with sport social nights out and therefore reckless behaviour. The outfit has become an unofficial uniform for male students in sports clubs. As a result, the Student Union has now said that anyone wearing this outfit will be refused entry on a Wednesday club night.
Cardiff University’s Student Union claims this action has been taken for students’ safety, as the behaviour was “reckless, dangerous and incredibly irresponsible”. The rugby freshers were reported to be pushing each other whilst waiting to get into the venue, however it is still unknown which members were involved.
An email from the SU to the Athletic Union said, “Due to dangerous behaviour portrayed by groups of individual wearing chinos and blue shirts […] a decision has been made to temporarily prevent similar attire to be worn to future events”.
The ban has made its across social media platforms such as TikTok, Twitter and Reddit, with people sharing their opinions on the situation. One commenter on Reddit says “bizarre, don’t they realise that people can actually wear different outfits”, whilst another said, “It seems really strange to just ban specific items of clothing as innocuous as chinos and a plain coloured shirt”. But others agreed that the rugby freshers are “complete animals” that “get up to all sorts of mayhem”.
Cardiff University has claimed that since introducing the ban, behaviour in the queue has significantly improved.