1) Create a home away from home
From personal experience, decorating my new bedroom played a crucial role in easing my homesickness. By bringing a piece of my old life to my new environment, I established a comforting space where I could retreat when the pangs of homesickness struck. The photographs, posters, and cherished items I surrounded myself with acted as constant reminders of where I came from.
2) Seek connection
This time last year, I arrived in Newcastle knowing no one. However, I quickly realised that I was far from alone in this predicament. While forming new connections took time, each interaction brought a glimmer of friendship that eased any loneliness I experienced. So, don’t be shy to ask someone to meet up - whether that be for a drink or a library session. Who knows, they may end up being your new best friend!
3) But also stay connected!
Maintaining contact with loved ones from home can be a strong remedy for homesickness. And in today’s digital age, staying in contact has never been easier. Set aside time to schedule video or phone calls with family and friends to share your experiences and hear about each other’s lives.
4) Explore your new surroundings
Whilst it’s completely natural to miss home, remember that you are in a new and exciting place! Take the time to explore campus and the surrounding areas. Find your new favourite cafe or park. Discovering new places with new friends can help distract from feelings of homesickness.
5) Practice self-care
Amidst the adjustment to university life, prioritising your physical and emotional well-being is of paramount importance. Engage in activities that bring you joy, such as exercising, reading or even just getting cosy and watching Netflix! Adequate sleep, a balanced diet, and a stable routine can contribute towards a more positive mindset.
Homesickness is a natural part of the university experience, and with time, it does get easier. However, if your homesickness becomes overwhelming, don’t be afraid to seek support! Remember that universities offer a range of support services to help students navigate these challenges. Your peer mentor, personal tutor, and course leader are just a few examples of people who can provide guidance and point you in the right direction. Reaching out for help can pave the way for a more enriching and fulfilling university experience.